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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Lai

"Just do what you love. Don't just stop there."

Updated: Jun 20, 2021

The first part of the phrase: "Some people say doing what you love is important."

The second part of the phrase: "Some people say doing what you can is good enough."


I think when things seem impossible or myself feeling beaten up, I felt this second part of the phrase. This is because whatever I did, it does not seems helpful or enough, that's when I settle down with the second part. But let me ask you this, "why settle down on the second part?" Is it because it is the truth that whatever you do, just does not seems enough? Or is it because you can't go on any further?


To be honest, I hate that second part of it. Like what was I thinking that "it is good enough to be that way", "it is good enough to just do till here" etc. I want to tell myself today, "why not do what you love, aren't is better?" At least you are enjoying it, you are happy, you are better. You are not torturing yourself if you keep moving forward. Whatever you are doing, please, I beg you, just go and do what you love. Whether what you do now, may not be what you like, well, use that as a transition to what you like. Stay on, hang on tight. Please don't give in. Spread your wings and fly. Brace that "storm" of yours till the end because you are almost there.


If you want me to be honest, I am doing what I "not so like" in my life right now. But what can I do? Well, I treated "this process" as a transition to what I love. I treated "this process" as a learning ground, as something I can move forward better. So don't just stop on "I think this is good enough" or "I am gonna quit, I don't want to continue", because there is another part of you is slowly blooming.


You are blooming, girl.

You are growing, bud.

Hey, you are healing.

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