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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Lai

Here I am, back to where I started

Hey readers.

I am Heidi Lai. Currently working in an event company just after my internship last year. It was not a fun and exciting ride during my internship last year. Well, I will share in my incoming posts. So don't worry about that.

Anyway, you will be wondering why I created a blog for, and whether I am new and stuff. Well, let me tell you. I created a blog when I was a kid back then. If I am not mistaken, I was in mid primary school. I created a blog and write. But because of how inconsistent I am or I felt not professional doing that, I stop. Then I recreate. Then I stop for good. So I start writing again in social media, which is Instagram. So Instagram is my portfolio. Well, once awhile I also write on Facebook in the "notes" section. I never knew when I started studying communication as my degree, and want a job here and there.


People were asking me, "do you have some writing to show us?".

So I replied, "I don't have my portfolio but I have Instagram. Do you mind?".

So there was when I heard and knew I want to write more even I already started writing in my diary and social media long ago.


So this time, I start a blog because some kinds of stuff are meant to share here due to people. Because I know people never learn to appreciate if you write long essays or captions on Facebook or Instagram. This blog is where I will pour out my thoughts from my head and heart. This blog will be about my life, my love of the sea, food, inspiration thoughts, word of encouragements and most of important, hopefully I can be able to insert God's love in this blog to you guys.

Feel free to read more when I get you posted. I will post whenever my thoughts can be written into words, that is when I will be posted. If not, I will try to post twice a week. I am excited about what will be but stay tuned. Sincerely, Your new writer on board, Heidi Lai

Written in 9th March, 2020

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