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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Lai

I love differently. So what's wrong?

Hey Readers.

How have you been doing? Yeah, today title is a bit personal huh? That's why is under, "writing notes to read or ignore". I decided to write my heart out. Yeap, it will be a little harsh and depressing.

Ever since knowing and being close to this friend of mine, I started to realise I am very different and abnormal compare to all the people in this world. Well, why do I said this? Because I am different and love differently.

You know you give, love and care for everyone 110% but many people don't. A friend of mine even said, "But you shouldn't take it to yourself to think that people will give you back the same love". I was hurt so much that I realised, what do I do wrong? Do I scare people that I love? Do people think I am too much? What is wrong for people to love the same as I do? Why am I the only one who love, care and give so much? Why am I so alert and sensitive to people that hard to love? But when they learnt to love themselves, they said I am sensitive? How so?

For example, I give my 110% to text and focus on someone. But 95% of the people will reply to me with half-hearted text. Or miss my text or two. Or even reply to me like I am the last person that they remember, in addition, they said, "I am always here for you".

Well, don't say that you are always here when you are not. Well, I am the only one that always here. I will reply immediately despite how busy or free I am. I will always listen and alert and remember every single detail of a person when he or she text/talk to me. But why can't people do the same? Is it I am not important to take notice on? Don't say you care, when you don't even care or try. Because the majority of people don't care.

So you tell me, am I wrong to love so much to everyone? Am I just too much to people? I love differently and abnormal, what's wrong about that?

Because in conclusion, even you readers don't care and don't put in the effort to read and know about me.

I really hope I can find someone like me, like me giving so much, loving so much. Is fine, if I don't. If a human being finds me and decided to love me even I am like this, I thank you because you finally found me. Regards, A girl who tries to smile today.

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