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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Lai

The Missing Meaning

Your day, it happens once a year.

People don’t remember who you are.

But what people remember is a time to celebrate for a long holiday. It could be just a long winter holiday or even a holiday with their loves one. Isn’t it sad? You smile and said, it is okay that they forget about you as you still love them. I asked why, but you did not answer.

I felt disappointed because this should be a time to celebrate the reason for this season as you love us and willing to come to earth just for us but no one appreciates. Some even blame the world on giving them a lousy season, just because they did not get a partner for the end of the year. Some even blame for the sake that they have to work on your day. But aren’t they should think another perspective as you come to give joy, love and peace? I cried because this world is not as beautiful as it was before you were here. I wish you are here. I wish you could answer my question by telling the truth.

Colour lights, gifts, carols, and trees. Are they just got to be the reason for the season? I thought was all about these things before this.

Let me tell you why I thought was. Every time is a year to take amazing photos, especially with lights. As a kid, I remember I was so excited whenever this day hits. This is because dad and mom will bring my sister and me to the malls. But first, photo. Photo with lights. I even remember I have a dress that could shine during the night, the best dress to wear during the season. The malls with familiar carols that people sang along or worst come to worst, ignore it. My favourite is always “Feliz Navidad” because it just hypes up the mood so well that I felt like dancing. People rush to the last minute to buy gifts, you got to be surprised that the shop keeper smiles the happiest that day through the years.

Back to the lights, there was once that my parents got so busy and no time for this season. But dad said, "How about we just go to the hotel that we used to go when they were really small? At least there are decoration and lights. We can take a lot of photos from there. And I wonder what decoration the hotel did this season!" We went. It still the same decoration. The feeling I have when I was a kid back then till that day was just different, no longer wow and amazed. But I tried to squeeze out the smile just to make my dad happy as he is always our camera dad because this season was different than usual. I said nothing but smile.

You smile as you knew I thought the same as the others after my thoughts frame all these. I am sorry. I am sorry but please let me be a little more like you, the girl who focus on you instead of worldly things. I miss you, I wish you could be here physically. It is just the hardest goodbye before this day ends. But I know you are always here.

Please stay a little longer, my father.


Written on 2018 Christmas day

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